Descent 3 FAQ

1 - Introduction
Basic and background information about Descent 3, for those who need to catch up on Outrage's latest game.

2 - Troubleshooting
Tips and info on which drivers, APIs and what not to use. Basically, what can I do to make it run in the first place?

3 - Gameplay
Basic information about game elements that don't apply specifically to multiplay or single play - weapons, Guidebot, command-line parameters.

4 - Single-Player
For the bot killers, single-player questions and answers + cheat codes. Warning: spoilers inside!

5 - Multiplayer
Find out about internet latency issues, network protocols, servers and where to find them, multiplayer modes, and more.

version 2.0
June 5 2002

text only (123 KB)

Final D3 patch:
version 1.4


6 - Dedicated Servers
Everything you always wanted to know about setting one up yourself so you can provide a cool service for your fellow Descenters.

7 - Linux Server Setup
Some really cool tips to help you run that service under Linux.

8 - Development
For the programmers and level builders at heart, developing information concerning level editors and formats, ship skins and models, and the ultimate game extender: MODifications.

9 - Other sources of info
Here you'll find other places of information about Descent 3 and the ruling Descent community that always has the answers to whatever Descent related question you might have.

10 - Epilogue
Contact, revision history, copyright, credits...